Robert Weinstein
2011-03-15 16:09:10 UTC
1. Investment Banking - If I maintain good grades, I could hopefully get into a good college and become an investment banker. I realize you don't make millions in banking until you reach VP or Managing Director, but I am willing to make it to the top with the hours (I've read up on them), and the work. The only issue I have is that many people say that investment banking is slowly dieing, and you soon wont be able to make the money you once could.
2. Start my own company. Everyone is telling me that the only way to become rich is start a company, take it public (optional), and eventually sell it or build it. I am not really sure what type of companies they are talking about. If I major in finance, I could maybe one day start a financial advisory firm/company? Could that make me very rich (10 million plus)? Or do I have to start a very large manufacturing company? Does it have to be a huge company that we see everyday like Google, Apple, Sony, etc., or can it be a services firm?
3. Become an executive at a Fortune 500. Well to start, I would probably start at a financial firm and then go to a Fortune 500 company and make my way up the corporate ladder.
Which option is best? I like investment banking the best, but people are saying it might not pay great in the future. I also like starting my own company. Please help me (don't say I should focus on other things, because I really want to focus on my future career). Thanks.