My boss has been extremely difficult. She is on a mission to have me fired and proved it w/an annual review that reflects i am incapable of any of the job functions and that my performance is below company standards. I put in writing an Appeal in a professional manner and requested that she review the true facts of what I have accomplished, my strengths and abilities. My request to Appeal was submitted & w/a request for us to work out our differences because I did not want such a review in my HR file. She did not respond to the first request. Then I sent her a second request asking if she had opportunity to review and when could we get together to discuss.She responded then with: Your notes and comments have been attached to your review and submitted to HR. WHAT!? I emailed her back and asked does this mean that I do not have a right to appeal and to clear my name and have the right to fair trail? She will not respond to this at all. Tell me someone please, can she get away with this? Can she really ignore my request to Appeal.Anyone know my legal rights on this?