Outsourcing is good in some respects and bad in other. While most outsourcing involves low skilled labor and low paying jobs in our market, it requires that our workforce become more educated and skilled for the available jobs.
Instead of worrying about what we could have had we need to focus on what we do have. A bottomless pit of experience, education, and drive. This is what makes us American. We know we can and we will. Can you name one way in which an outsourced job directly effected you?
This national "crises" or this world wide economic problem are huge adversities to overcome, but we can and we have before. While you knock a major source of income for another country, you tout our ability to expend cash. You could buy a sony dvd player for $200, but the same circumstances are involved in its creation as are in the case of the emerson dvd player. Would you pay $250 for the same dvd player if I had built it here in America? Probably not. Even if you answered yes to that question, you would have to be willing to sacrifice more than the additional cost in purchasing that item. This low skilled job would require a, more than likely, higher skilled American who would also demand a higher pay, medical benefits, vacation, etc. Is $4.00 an hour in income worth a $20.00 an hour worker.
This is not an overall accurate assessment of the real workforce in an outsourced location, but is so in terms of American workers and what we have to offer in our workforce.
The problem lies in that the added benefits of outsourcing are only realized by the business owner. If these benefits were more directly related to the workers advancement, then we would better appreciate outsourcing and be able to better capitalize on its return in savings. Cheaper or employer supplemented education and job training would be a good start.